In the industry of project planning and risk management, due diligence is paramount. It forms the bedrock upon which strategic decisions are made, ensuring that potential risks are identified and mitigated. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), risk professionals now have a powerful ally in their quest for comprehensive due diligence. AI technologies have revolutionised the way due diligence is conducted, offering innovative solutions to sift through vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. In this blog post, we will delve into how AI is transforming the due diligence landscape, exploring its applications and benefits in four key points. 

Data Analysis at Scale 

Traditionally, risk professionals faced the daunting task of sifting through mountains of data, from financial records to legal documents, to assess the potential risks associated with a project. AI algorithms, powered by machine learning and natural language processing, can process enormous datasets at an unprecedented speed. By automating the analysis of structured and unstructured data, AI tools can swiftly identify patterns, anomalies, and potential red flags, allowing risk professionals to focus their efforts on interpreting the results rather than drowning in the sheer volume of information. 

From a practical standpoint, this means that due diligence processes that used to take weeks or even months can now be completed in a fraction of the time. This efficiency not only saves valuable resources but also enables risk professionals to respond promptly to market dynamics, giving their organisations a competitive edge in the fast-paced business landscape. 

Enhanced Accuracy and Risk Prediction 

AI algorithms excel at recognising intricate patterns within data, which can be invaluable when assessing risks associated with potential investments or partnerships. These algorithms can identify subtle correlations across diverse datasets, providing risk professionals with a more nuanced understanding of the situation at hand. By analysing historical data, market trends, and various risk factors, AI can predict potential risks, allowing organisations to make informed decisions. 

The enhanced accuracy offered by AI-driven due diligence is a game-changer for risk professionals. By relying on data-driven insights, they can make decisions based on a solid foundation of evidence rather than intuition. This predictive capability empowers organisations to proactively address risks before they escalate, safeguarding their investments and ensuring the success of high-stakes projects. 

Streamlined Compliance Checks 

Compliance checks are a crucial aspect of due diligence, especially in industries subject to strict regulations. AI technology can streamline the process of compliance checks by automating the comparison of vast regulatory databases against the information provided by potential partners or acquisition targets. These systems can quickly identify discrepancies and highlight areas of concern, ensuring that organisations adhere to legal requirements and industry standards. 

From a risk professional's perspective, the ability to automate compliance checks not only saves time but also mitigates the risk of oversight. AI-powered solutions can keep pace with evolving regulations, providing real-time updates and ensuring that due diligence processes remain current and compliant with the latest legal requirements. 

Customised Risk Assessments 

Every project and investment opportunity is unique, with its own set of challenges and risks. AI technologies can be tailored to provide customised risk assessments based on specific parameters and requirements set by risk professionals. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, these systems can adapt and learn from previous assessments, refining their analysis based on the feedback and outcomes of past due diligence processes. 

From a practical standpoint, this customisation allows risk professionals to focus on the most relevant risk factors for each project. It enables them to allocate resources efficiently, concentrating on areas that truly matter and tailoring their strategies to address the specific challenges associated with a particular investment or partnership. 


The integration of AI into the due diligence process is transforming the landscape for risk professionals. By harnessing the power of data analysis at scale, enhancing accuracy and risk prediction, streamlining compliance checks, and offering customised risk assessments, AI technologies are providing invaluable support to risk professionals in their pursuit of comprehensive due diligence. As organisations continue to navigate the complexities of the business world, embracing AI-driven due diligence is not just a choice but a necessity. It empowers risk professionals to make strategic decisions confidently, safeguarding their organisations' interests and paving the way for successful high-stakes projects in an increasingly competitive global market. Here at Projecting Success, we provide a wide range of data training courses to enable companies to integrate AI into their business processes. Contact us today at to find out more! 

Here at Projecting Success, we're absolutely thrilled to share some game-changing news with you! We've been selected by the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) for a very special task: equipping individuals with the skills to harness the incredible potential of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence within the realm of project delivery. This partnership is about to revolutionise how we approach and deliver projects. 

It's not just a job to us; it's a profound commitment to excellence, innovation, and collective growth. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we continue to make waves in the world of project management with the MOD by our side! Since founding the Project Data Analytics Community in 2017 and into the future, we’ll continue to push the boundaries and be the driving force behind data driven project delivery.

ministry of defence
Why Is This News Important?  

Helping People - This is a special contract for us, resulting from years of collaborative discussions. Rather than people being overwhelmed by new technologies and processes, this training will enable them to get better at their jobs. When individuals undertake our training courses, they gain nationally recognised qualifications, as well as enhance their technical knowledge. All of which, help them and their organisations to achieve great things.

Understanding Data - Knowing how to use data smartly can change how projects are planned, assured, and performed. This isn't just about success in one project, it's about driving a step change across portfolios, enabling businesses to leverage data and make better decisions.

Using Smart Technology - You've heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this software is not just something from the future; it's happening now. We're going to teach people how to use AI in their projects. AI can help with a lot of things like organising work, using resources in the best way, and making smart choices. Knowing how to use AI is like having a superpower in the world of projects.  

Good News for Learners - For those who are just starting a new job or career, this is great news. Learning these new skills opens the door to amazing opportunities. With knowledge about data and AI, all learners aren't just on a training course; they're becoming the pathfinders and change agents to help drive a transformation in how projects are done.

Working Together - Projecting Success and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) are joining forces. When businesses and government entities unite their strengths, the possibilities become boundless. This partnership serves as a shining example of the remarkable feats achievable when individuals come together with a shared vision and a common purpose in mind. 

ministry of defence
Looking Ahead: Making Project Success Stories  

As we start this incredible journey, we want you to be a part of it. We'll be sharing updates about how things are going, stories about people transforming how they work, and the creative ways they are deploying their newfound knowledge and skills. We want to thank the Ministry of Defence for giving us this opportunity. With your support, we're not just delivering courses, we're changing how projects happen. The future is all about data and smart technology. It's about making careers better and opening endless opportunities.  

To start training with us or to enrol your staff onto our apprenticeships and short courses, visit our courses page. If you want to keep up to date with our latest news, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!  

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and data, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to gain a competitive edge. One strategy that has gained significant momentum is investing in data analyst apprenticeships. These programs are not just a win for aspiring data analysts; they also bring a multitude of benefits to employers. Let's explore the positive impact these apprenticeships can have on businesses.

data analyst apprenticeships
Skill Development Tailored to Your Needs

One of the primary benefits of data analyst apprenticeships is the opportunity they provide for tailored skill development. Employers can actively engage with apprentices to shape their training according to the specific needs of the organisation. Whether it's mastering data visualisation tools, statistical analysis, or programming languages like Python, apprenticeships can be customised to ensure that the skills learned align perfectly with the demands of the business.

Cost-Effective Training

Finding skilled data analysts in today's competitive job market can be both challenging and costly. Apprenticeships offer a cost-effective solution. By investing in apprenticeship programs, businesses can nurture raw talent and transform them into skilled professionals. This not only reduces recruitment costs but also ensures a dedicated talent pipeline for the future. As apprentices transition into full-time roles, they bring fresh perspectives and a deep understanding of the company culture, making them valuable assets to the organisation.

Enhanced Innovation and Problem-Solving

Data analysis is not just about crunching numbers; it's about uncovering valuable insights that can drive innovation. Apprenticeships encourage creative thinking and problem-solving among participants. These budding analysts learn to approach data challenges with innovative solutions, injecting new ideas into the workplace. A diverse team of skilled problem solvers can elevate a company’s ability to innovate, creating products and services that truly stand out in the market.

data analyst apprenticeships
Boosted Employee Morale and Loyalty

When companies invest in their employees’ growth, it sends a powerful yet caring message. Apprenticeships demonstrate a commitment to the professional development of the workforce, boosting morale and fostering a sense of loyalty among employees. When individuals feel valued and supported, they are more likely to stay with the company in the long run. This continuity within the workforce enhances team cohesion and ensures that institutional knowledge is retained within the organisation.

Increased Employee Adaptability

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses must be agile and adaptable. Data analyst apprenticeships equip employees with skills that are crucial for navigating the rapidly changing landscape of technology. By staying ahead of the curve, organisations can respond effectively to market trends and emerging technologies. Apprenticeships create a workforce that is not just proficient but also adaptable, ensuring that the company remains competitive in the face of evolving industry standards.

Positive Reputation and Community Impact

Supporting apprenticeships not only benefits the company internally but also contributes positively to its reputation. Businesses that invest in the development of young talent are viewed favourably by customers, partners, and the community at large. Such initiatives showcase corporate social responsibility and highlight the company's commitment to nurturing the next generation of professionals. This positive image can attract more customers and partners, leading to increased opportunities for growth and collaboration.

data analyst apprenticeships

In conclusion, data analyst apprenticeships are a beacon of opportunity for both employers and aspiring professionals. By investing in these programs, businesses can shape a skilled workforce, foster innovation, boost morale, and adapt to the ever-changing demands of the digital age. The ripple effect of such investments extends far beyond the office walls, creating a positive impact on the community and the industry as a whole. Here at Projecting Success, we want to help businesses thrive in the data-driven future. That is why we offer countless training courses to ensure that all learning is tailored to you and your company’s needs.

In our rapidly changing world, the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has provided both challenges and exciting opportunities, especially in the industry of project management. While project management professionals are already experienced with identifying and managing immediate risks within their projects, the profound impact AI can have on project delivery and careers often goes unexplored. In this blog, Projecting Success will delve into the transformative power of AI, and how it can influence not just projects, but also our professional paths. By understanding and embracing AI's role in our careers, we can navigate this evolving landscape with confidence and adaptability.

artificial intelligence
Immediate vs. Future Threat Perception

Project managers excel at dealing with immediate risks in their projects, taking swift action to mitigate them. However, the disruptions caused by AI in careers are often perceived as distant threats, leading to a delay in proactive measures. It is crucial to recognise AI is not just a future stakeholder, but also a current force for shaping the job market. By acknowledging AI's potential to reshape professional paths, we can take proactive steps to stay ahead in our careers and not feel threatened by it taking over any job roles.

Lack of Understanding and Strategic Implications

One significant barrier to embracing AI is the limited understanding of its scope. Many people view AI merely as automation, overlooking its vast strategic implications. To bridge this knowledge gap, it is essential to educate ourselves about AI's diverse applications. By understanding its potential, we can make informed decisions about integrating AI into our projects and careers. AI is more than just a technological tool; it is a catalyst for innovation and efficiency.

artificial intelligence
Comfort in the Status Quo vs. Embracing Change

Human nature often inclines us towards the familiar, making it challenging to shift from traditional methods to AI-driven approaches. However, overcoming this barrier is essential for professional growth. Embracing change and acknowledging the potential enhancements AI brings to project efficiency and individual skill sets are key. By adapting to these advancements, we not only stay relevant but also enhance our competitive edge in the evolving professional landscape.

Addressing the Skill Gap Perception

There is a common misconception that delving into the AI demands extensive technical expertise. This perception often hampers professionals from exploring AI's potential. Even basic knowledge of AI concepts and their applications can significantly benefit project management. By bridging this perceived skill gap, professionals can confidently navigate the intersection of AI and their careers. Embracing a continuous learning mindset is essential, as it allows us to acquire the skills needed to thrive in the age of AI. Here at Projecting Success, we provide countless training opportunities – from short courses to longer apprenticeship levels – to enhance that capabilities of employees using AI, click here to find out more about our courses and how to undertake them.

As we navigate the intricate landscape of AI's impact on projects and careers, proactive learning and adaptation are paramount. AI represents not just a technological advancement but also a shift in how we approach our work. It is a powerful tool and ally, capable of enhancing project outcomes and fostering professional growth. By fostering a dialogue, educating ourselves, and embracing change, we can bridge the gap between managing AI in projects and leveraging its impact on our careers. Projecting Success want to help you with your journey, embracing the future with open arms. We can help ensure roles not only remain resilient and relevant but also thrive in the face of AI's influence. Remember, the future belongs to those who are willing to learn, adapt, and embrace the endless possibilities AI brings to professional lives. Embrace the change and shape a future where careers flourish alongside the advancements of technology!

When an apprentice completes our apprenticeship courses, we always look forward to catching up and update on their progressions. 

Manuela, a senior BIM manager, self-taught himself several coding languages as he was passionate about data. He enjoyed using software such as Power Bi to create dashboards and make information more accessible and digestible. He joined the apprenticeship with a passion for making the most of data and for being able to help the company he will be working for. After completing this higher apprenticeship, Manuela was recently promoted to a digital lead for a significant projects business unit at Mace. 

Read Manuela's story here:

Has your role changed since?

As a senior BIM manager, I do different tasks such as coordination, management, data analysis, data visualisation and reporting. After joining the apprenticeship, I gained a broader overview, especially in coding, that I wasn't aware of. I also gained more general knowledge about applying tools to achieve any outcomes. I believe the skills gained through this apprenticeship can be used in my role at Mace, such as smart buildings, sensors, IoT etc. 

What key skill did you want to get out of the apprenticeship? 

I wanted to develop a more structured understanding of the end-to-end data process, from data collection to data visualisation. In addition, I developed a greater understanding of forecast analysis. 

Has the apprenticeship helped you achieve this? And how?

Is this something you'll be able to apply in your role at Mace?

The apprenticeship has helped with the end-to-end data process by encouraging trust-building in the decision-making process, and I've gained a better understanding of what to do in a structured way. It helped with forecast analysis, a core part of the portfolio and assessment. I was able to build the trust of insight and also replication.

What sort of daily tasks have you managed to automate, if any?

Since my role involves coordination, management, data analysis, data visualisation and reporting, daily task automation is a must. Task automation has many benefits, including allowing data extracted to be copied into SharePoint and a list of tasks scheduled that can feed into Power Bi. In addition, it enables dynamic refreshing and sending notifications so the team can focus on their daily tasks.

What would you say could be improved about the apprenticeship?

I started this apprenticeship during Covid-19, so I had to learn everything through Teams. Although I gained a lot of skills and knowledge, I think adding hybrid learning can help to bring more benefits for the apprentices.  

What tools would you say you'll now use most?

During the apprenticeship, I was introduced to many valuable tools I could use in the future. One of the tools that I will use most would be PowerBI because it is a common and straightforward tool, so the team can quickly familiarise themselves with it. In addition, Dax language python web scraping and API has been used well in work. These tools help to tackle challenges early in the stages of data processing before passing them to IT.  

How do you think your manager will benefit from your newly learnt skills?

My manager can significantly benefit from my newly learnt skills as I can build more trust between my manager and the team. There are more competencies as my new skills can empower my abilities to undertake my role, and  I will be able to show that progression through my day-to-day job.

Where will you be progressing in the future? 

Depending on the evolution of the role and market requirements, I want to go into education because of my passion for data, but for now, I will focus on youtube, websites etc.  

We always love to hear the success stories from our apprentices and how the course has helped them develop the skills to succeed! For more information about our courses, please click here.

Imagine a world where the power of advanced data analytics transforms project delivery. The possibilities are endless, and we all know it. But here's the catch: the real benefits of this game-changing technology will only be fully realised for another decade or more if we start shifting the way we think about it. Are you ready to be a part of the solution and unlock the enormous potential of advanced data analytics?

Point solutions will undoubtedly help. Start-ups will emerge with bold and original ideas as they begin the journey in their industries. But the real prize comes after we integrate project delivery data at scale. This will include something other than the data we have today.

As a generalisation, it's just not cutting it. The volumes aren't there, and it needs to be aligned with the problems we want to tackle. We must up our game and aim higher to make a meaningful impact. Many organisations don’t even have a strategy for collecting, curating and extracting value from project delivery data. If they do, it tends to be reflective rather than viewing project delivery data as an end-to-end process – which requires a collaborative approach.

If we want to up our game, too, we need to encourage more people to swallow the red pill (see my earlier blog) and get ready and accept a different way of thinking. These people must exist at every level of the organisation, from C-suite/Project Function/CDO to data scientists and project data analysts.

The C-suite sets the vision, the roadmap and the pace. But it's up to the project function and the Chief Data Officer (CDO) to turn that vision into a solid project data strategy while considering the impact on project delivery and supply chain strategies. However, this will only matter if we have the power to bring it all to life.

This needs to be a combination of the following:

1.    Senior leaders

Senior leaders help shape the priorities and make the roadmap happen. They are also translators who deeply understand the application of advanced data analytics within the project delivery domain. James Garner, from Gleeds, is one stand-out example. He is helping to transform their approach from cost management to project controls and challenging established thinking at every level. He has the board-level commitment and is accelerating. It is helping to transform their business fundamentally.  We’ve had the honour of working with them at the hacks, providing leadership training and working closely with them on the apprenticeship. They are truly leading the way.

2.     Practitioners

These are people who deploy advanced data analytics within their roles. Firstly, they automate and remove the burden of mundane tasks. This allows them to focus on more critical tasks at hand. It will also release bandwidth to explore the clever stuff. Some people stay as generalists, understanding the broad range of capabilities and how they can be deployed. Some specialise and focus on one area. It will all be up to you and how you like to work.

Learning to use PowerBI or any other software won't magically solve our problems. Although it is a step in the right direction, becoming a ‘tool jockey’ won’t move the dial. To truly make a difference, we need to dive deep and understand the problems we're trying to solve, figure out the data we need to solve, build the necessary data pipelines, and completely revolutionise how we work. This isn’t a tweak, it requires a revolution.


One example is Jonathan Williams at the Environment Agency. He is a member of the Project Data Academy, funded 100% by the apprenticeship levy. He is working closely with Jo Jolly to reimagine how the organisation, and its delivery partners, can deliver projects. 

He has swallowed the red pill and understands the scale of the opportunity. Their vision isn’t to bolt on a few but to reimagine how their work. They are pathfinders within government working with courage and conviction. Their leadership is also helping to inspire their supply chain. Jo co-chairs the cross-government project data working group, which will help to spread the message across other departments. They are creating a Mexican wave with implications far beyond what we can imagine.   

It only takes a few visionary people to initiate a chain reaction. But it also requires a critical mass of people to make the vision a reality; otherwise, the Mexican wave will soon fizzle out. When I speak to project professionals, there is often a perception that ‘we don’t do data’ because it is the job of the data team. But that is simply not the same. We all need to, no matter our job title. Our schedules, cost plans, benefits maps, and risk registers are all underpinned by data; it is our bread and butter. So why do we see data as someone else’s job? It isn’t. It is a core part of all project delivery roles.


When we founded the project data analytics community in 2017, we saw a need to help seed the critical mass and its building blocks. We wanted to share stories, good practices and inspire people. That small community back then has now grown to ~9,000 people. But that wasn’t enough because we wanted more.

In 2018 we worked with Sir Robert McAlpine to mobilise Project: Hack to help people to gain practical experience in deploying advanced data analytics. To remove the fear to inspire and help people build up their CV. Many have gone on to bigger and better things as a consequence.

But we saw that we would only achieve what we intended to once we could transition from data-driven project delivery being a side hustle init becoming mainstream.

In 2020 we launched the Project Data Analytics Academy, fully funded by the apprenticeship levy (i.e. for most people, free). This has sparked a movement, bringing together hundreds of people who not only "get it" but can also put it into action and drive transformative change within their organisations. We’ve also run boot camps for organisations such as ECITB and leadership training to help seniors to challenge their thinking on the future of project delivery.

Back in September 2020, we joined forces with a group of senior people to create the Project Data Analytics Task Force. Together, we helped to tackle some of the core enablers and provided a vehicle to facilitate change. To this day, our efforts are only gaining momentum!

Although we are approaching critical mass, we still need thousands of people to join us on the journey to ensure we embed a data culture at every level of project delivery. Even though we've already accomplished a lot, we're not stopping anytime soon. There's so much more for us to do!

If you are a project professional, please get involved. Attend one of the community events, a hack, get involved with the Task Force or sign up to the Project Data Academy and develop your data-driven superpowers.

A new, bold and exciting future awaits us. Get involved, get ready and make a difference in your life and the future of data. Be part of something extraordinary. Together, we can change project delivery performance more in the next five years than in the last 50 combined.

Project-based organisations are transitioning toward data-driven project delivery at different rates. This creates division, producing unnecessary divisions that can lead to duplicated solutions, even for common problems. We slow the journey rather than trying to tackle the challenge independently. Instead of tackling challenges alone, let's join forces and collaborate.

The Project Data Analytics Task Force leads a campaign to tackle this head-on by developing a series of theme-based visions for 2025. The provisional themes highlight key areas of focus where we can start to align our activity. If we can reimagine how we perform risk management, benefits management and a range of other project delivery capabilities, we can break them down into a series of modules!

We can then lay out a collaborative roadmap to tackle each module while focusing on overall integration. So what does this mean? When we conquer each module, we'll connect our problem statements and user stories with the relevant data and share our learnings with others in the industry. This will drive innovation and pave the way for new discoveries and breakthroughs.

Hundreds of people are being trained on the application of data analytics within the project domain, all needing to create a portfolio of solutions to demonstrate the application of their newfound skills. If we can align these projects to the roadmap, we will create an engine for change. Imagine if we could amplify our efforts even further by harnessing the collective power of the community through hackathons. We could achieve extraordinary things by working together towards a common objective.

But why stop there? We can pool our resources and build on our progress by aligning project-level funding with our collaborative roadmap. Together, we can achieve our goals a hundred times faster than we would on our own!

The attached set of slides summarises this strategy, outlining our approach. We are targeting this May at our community Hackathon to get things rolling.

We are entering a new era. Don't hesitate to get in touch with one of us on The Task Force if you’d like to be involved!

We work with over 60 organisations and have a profound grasp of where they struggle and where others outperform them. A question that we commonly ask ourselves is, 'what makes a winning organisation?' We've boiled it down to the following key factors:

Most interesting, there are organisations out there that are working within a walled garden, developing products and services to sell or differentiate themselves from others. But we sense that those who work collaboratively will outperform their peers. Particularly those who are agile and responsive. They'll move more quickly together than alone. 

Get in touch today for more information about our services or how we can help your organisation work towards the winning formula!

We always love to catch up with our apprentices after completing one of our courses. After completing this higher apprenticeship, Nick has gone on to become co-founder and CEO of his own Software Development and Consulting firm with the mission to become a trusted partner in digital transformation for project organisations to enable AI-driven learning from experience and automation of deliverables through our platform. Read Nick's story below.

Q. A lot has changed for you since starting the apprenticeship. You got promoted at your current employer to a Project Manager, then joined a new one as a Digital Improvement Lead, and now you are also a co-founder at Inforecast.

Tell us a bit more about what inspired this progression.

A. The apprenticeship helped me transition quicker and more formally from construction project management to data & digital thanks to the behaviours, knowledge and skills enhanced during the programme. This enabled me to better and faster understand the underlying principles of data analytics and their application to projects as well as to better communicate with technical teams. As a result, I was able to faster grow into a leadership role at Mott MacDonald. For example, I led the digital team on HS2 Phase 2B to deliver bespoke automation and data analytics solutions to drive productivity and insights.

The apprenticeship also gave me greater exposure to the industry and the challenges that it experiences. This inspired me to help the whole industry by teaming up with experts in AI and Software Engineering across other industries to create InForecast. As a result, I can more effectively collaborate with the team at InForecast to create more impactful and useful solutions.

Q. From this apprenticeship, what was your long-term goal?

A. My long-term goal is to continue engaging with the wider industry, including the Project Data Analytics Task Force to help solve some of the most pressing issues that we are facing in construction today. My vision is to empower project teams to take advantage of the most advanced technology and foster a sustainable transformation to solve these challenges. I see InForecast as playing a core role in helping our industry thrive in the near future.

Q. How has the apprenticeship impacted your existing skills?

A. The apprenticeship enabled me to communicate more effectively with technical teams and even solve some of the challenges myself. In terms of technical skills, I feel that it impacted my python and power platform skills the most. I also acquired useful knowledge about other technology available such as Azure artificial intelligence and graph databases.

Q. What sort of daily tasks have you managed to automate off the back of this apprenticeship?

A. There are a few great ones. For example, I created and led the deployment of a solution architecture to fully automate emails containing the timesheet booking reminders. I also created a Machine Learning algorithm to classify the skillset based on the staff CVs.

Q.What tools would you say you'll now use most?

A. The greatest asset for me is my business analyst skills to capture the project team's requirements and communicate those effectively to technical teams. The apprenticeship can drastically support the industry and create more synergy between project and technical IT teams. 

Q. To what extent has the client's approach helped to influence your approach to PDA?

A. I feel that this depends a lot on the type of clients and their maturity to start implementing data analytics and automation. For example, HS2 are quite forward-thinking and keen to innovate and transform the ways of working. At the same time, some clients may be more reluctant to change. Working with clients to assess and communicate a clear value-add of the proposed solutions does help quite effectively at times.

We always love to hear the success stories from our apprentices and how the course has helped them develop the skills to succeed! For more information about our courses, please click here.

About the author:

Nick Stepanov

CEO and Co-Founder at InForecast 


With Project:Hack17 just around the corner, we've looked at some of the common misconceptions and questions about the Hackathon. This post covers the following subjects, busting any misconceptions there may be about taking part in our Hackathon and sharing our tips for making the most of the event.

Misconception #1 - You have to be a data expert

In recent years, "data" has become something of a buzzword in the tech industry. And while it's true that data-driven innovation is everywhere, you don’t have to be a data expert to get involved. 

Hackathons are one way that people with all levels of data expertise can get involved in creating new products and developing their hard and soft skills. At a Hackathon, you can work with others to develop an idea, prototype it, and present it to a panel of judges. You don't need to have any coding skills or experience working with data to participate in a Hackathon – all you need is an idea and the willingness to learn.

Misconception #2 - It will be hard to network

There's a perception that people are zoned in at Hackathons and don't want to be disturbed. For that reason, networking may seem daunting. We have built Project:Hack, to encourage a balance of developing and networking. From providing food and refreshments in a vast space to supporting water cooler conversations. All aimed at attracting a balance of diverse people to participate, observe and start discussions. Networking at a hackathon doesn't need to be daunting. Here are our tips :

Now for some FAQs and common concerns from our community…

What if I don't know anyone in my team?

When it comes to Hackathons, one of the best things you can do is work with people you don't know. This is because it allows you to learn new skills and to meet new people who can help you in your career. Here are a few tips on making the most out of working with people you don't know at a Hackathon.

I'm a student, is this event just for professionals?

Each year we see plenty of students participate and excel at the Hackathon! It's an industry-focused event whether you are a seasoned professional or you are just starting your career. 

The value of having both students and professionals at the event is that it allows you to meet key decision-makers within the industry, and in turn, it allows them to meet new talent. The event offers students the chance to impress clients across the industry and maybe even meet their future employers!

I'm not very competitive.

For those that are nervous about competing, the Hackathons are all about learning. It familiarises you with how people work in this space, the tools they use, the skillsets at play and more. We have also catered to those who just want to observe and network. Check out our observer tickets.

We hope this has helped clear up some common misconceptions and questions about the Hackathon. It really is an event for anyone interested in project data, and we look forward to seeing you all there on the 28th and 29th of November! 

Want to find out more? >>

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Projecting Success aren’t just working on data driven project delivery, we are taking a pivotal role in shaping and creating this future. If you’d like to speak to one of our experts on the subject then please register below, or drop us an email to