Short Courses

Our short courses are designed to help a wide range of individuals and organisations understand more about data. Whether you are just starting your data journey, or are more experienced in the industry, read below to find the perfect course for you!

Short courses in Data

We have built short courses to inspire individuals and organisations to learn more about the data industry. Our courses are designed for beginners, leaders and decision-makers. Enquire today to find out more!
An Introduction (1 day)
An introduction to data driven project delivery. A taster session to enhance your knowledge of the data.
Fundamentals for Beginners (3 days)
Learn the fundamentals of project data analytics with the use of case studies. Learn how to make your work more efficient.
For Leaders
Data driven project delivery for leaders. Learn how to build workforce data capability by overcoming challenges and unlocking potential.
For SRO's & Sponsors
Learn how to improve decision making across projects with evidence-based decision making and optimised data systems.
Power Platform Pro
The Microsoft Power Platform is made up of several powerful components that, when combined, can be used to facilitate business-changing improvements in productivity within SMEs and the largest organisations.
Power BI Pro
The Power BI Pro course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to drive better business decisions by analysing your enterprise data for insights using Microsoft Power BI.

Introduction to Data Driven Project Delivery

  • 1 day.
  • Online tutor led.
  • Every 2 months.
  • Or in house programme on request.

£349 + VAT.

Data driven project delivery is rapidly gaining traction and becoming mainstream. Professional bodies such as the Association for Project Management are becoming more engaged. The UK's Infrastructure Projects Authority is championing the cause. Organisations such as the UK's National Highways have declared their intent to become a data driven project delivery organisation.

The world is changing. But are you ready for it and not sure where to get started?

This one day course provides an introduction to the wonderful world of data driven project delivery.

A great way of getting to grips with some of the fundamentals. An essential stepping stone for preparing for the next generation of data driven project delivery.

You'll learn to tackle some of the following key questions:

  • What is project data analytics?
  • How will it make a difference?
  • How project data analytics is relevant to every domain and function with working examples.
  • Current challenges business functions face.
  • How data analytics can help us to evolve our roles, prepare us as change agents and unlock the next generation of project delivery?
  • How is data useful?
  • Using data to answer your project/business challenges.
  • How do we tackle the data and drive up data quality?
  • How do we access data? -What are the current obstacles and how can we navigate them?
  • Data analytics toolbelt taster and data analytics terminology.
  • Careers advice and educational pathways.

Aimed at people who would like an overview of the potential, understand some of the terminology, gain insights into practical examples and how to implement them.

We collaborated with the APM to develop the getting started in data analytics guide. It is free and gives great context into data driven project delivery. Find the guide on the right of this section.

Get started

Fundamentals of Data Driven Project Delivery

  • 3 Days.
  • Online and tutor led.
  • Every 2 months.
  • Or in house programme on request.

£895 + VAT (including exam fees).

The fundamentals course provides a qualification for individuals who are looking to improve or gain fundamental knowledge in data driven project delivery. No prior knowledge or experience in data is necessary.

Similar to the 1 day course but delving deeper into worked examples and exploring some of the challenges in making the vision a reality. An interactive session that will help to inspire you, show how easy and accessible it is and help you to develop a roadmap to unlock the potential of data driven project delivery.

You'll acquire a fundamental awareness of data driven project delivery and what it means for the profession and your role. You'll develop a broad understanding of the principles, methods and tools to unlock the power of data. You'll also have the knowledge to challenge, shape strategy and begin your journey to becoming a translator or practitioner. 

Learn to tackle some of the following key questions:

  • Building on the introduction course, but with walkthroughs on some of the latest capabilities, tools and case studies. You'll get a deeper appreciation of the art of the possible and how to approach it.
  • What solutions can be developed and how long does it take?
  • What are the key terms and what do they mean?
  • How can you automate parts of your role and release capacity for higher value added work?
  • How far can you push it?
  • What are the implementation challenges and how are organisations tackling them?
  • How difficult is it to implement? Where should I focus my effort?
  • How good is your data? How do you measure it?
  • How to apply project management to all functions.
  • What do I need to know about security and how to manage the risks?
  • What are the key roles? From data scientist to data engineers.
  • How do you take your supply chain with you on the journey?
  • What are the next steps? From strategy to implementation.
  • How do you build your skills?

The course will conclude with a 45 min online exam to enable you to gain a recognised qualification from APMG International.

The fundamentals course provides a qualification for individuals who are looking to improve or gain fundamental knowledge in data driven project delivery. No prior knowledge or experience in data is necessary.

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Data Driven Project Delivery for Leaders

  • 1 Day.
  • Delivered in person.
  • Every 3 months.
  • Or in house programme on request.

£795 +VAT.

Data driven project delivery requires strong and visionary leadership. We often lack trust in the data that we are given, which is often a by product of process than a source of reliable insight. This affects the quality and timeliness of our decision making. We become led by intuition rather than evidence. You will have a key role in unlocking this new future.

Although incremental change may deliver some improvement, there is a pressing need for transformational change. This requires our project delivery leaders to understand the power of data and drive data into the heart of every project.

This short course will give an overview of the potential of project data analytics, how leaders can unlock it, and the challenges that they will have to overcome along the journey.

Learn to tackle some of the following key questions:

  • What is project data analytics, with examples.
  • What does this mean for the project delivery function and future roles? How should teams prepare?
  • What is the state of the market?
  • Who owns the data, rights of access, how do we contract for it?
  • How do we drive up data quality? How do we verify it? AI. Differentiating the hype from reality.
  • How could data trusts help to transform how we leverage our collective experience?
  • How do we develop a strategy, roadmap and implementation plan? How do we take people with us?
  • Case studies.

An interactive, full day workshop delivered by 2 of the leading minds on data driven project delivery. Combined with an opportunity to discuss the implications with your peers.

Aimed at leaders and decision makers who have the ability to influence and approve data-driven project delivery. It for those who want to understand how data can optimise their projects and mature their organisation.

We collaborated with the APM to develop the getting started in data analytics guide. It is free and gives great context into data driven project delivery. Find the guide on the right of this section.

Get started

Data Driven Project Delivery for SROs and Sponsors

  • 1 day.
  • Physical Session.
  • Every 3 months.
  • Or in house programme on request.

£795 +VAT.

The challenge for a lot of SROs and sponsors is that they are delivering a programme or project in the fog. They lack the data and insights they need to make evidence based decisions. They have limited confidence in the data that they are given. In many cases the data is manipulated before it reaches them.

As a profession have we become too complacent with this reality, even though the technology and systems have moved on leaps and bounds?

Imagine a future where SROs have line of sight of project delivery data, end to end across the supply chain. They know when they can trust it and to augment their decision making. A future where predictive insights leverage the experience of thousands of projects that have gone before.

SROs are at the top of the project delivery food chain and have a major role to play in unlocking this.

This session will help to explore the benefits of a data driven approach, to shape your level of ambition and develop a high level roadmap to underpin change.

Learn to tackle some of the following key questions:

  • How can SROs gain confidence in the data that they are provided with, deliver insights and improve decision making?
  • What is the state of the market?
  • Who owns the data and rights of access?
  • How can data help to drive a step change in governance and assurance? What does the future look like?
  • How can data provide insights on project resourcing, budget performance, risks, comms and project controls?
  • How can data enable effective benefits realisation and stakeholder management?
  • How much confidence can the SRO place in predictions? Does AI provide a silver bullet? When can you trust it?
  • How can SROs unlock data from the supply chain?
  • What are the drawbacks?

An interactive, full day workshop delivered by 2 of the leading minds on data driven project delivery. Combined with an opportunity to discuss the implications of a data driven approach with your peers.

Aimed at SRO's and Sponsors who want to understand how data will support their decision making across projects.

"The senior responsible owner is ultimately accountable for a programme or project meeting its objectives, delivering the projected outcomes and realising the required benefits. He or she is the owner of the business case and accountable for all aspects of governance."

We collaborated with the APM to develop the getting started in data analytics guide. It is free and gives great context into data driven project delivery. Find the guide on the right of this section.

Get started

Power Platform Pro

  • 2 days.
  • Online (MS Teams), tutor-led.
  • Every 2 months.
  • Or in-house on request.

The Microsoft Power Platform is made up of several powerful components that, when combined, can be used to facilitate business-changing improvements in productivity within SMEs and the largest organisations.

As the world becomes more and more data-driven, this two-day course will provide you with an overview of the ‘art of the possible’ with the cloud-based Microsoft Power Platform while teaching you how to employ some basic automation with Power Automate, build a basic dashboard in Power BI, build your first app with Power Apps and create a chatbot with Power Virtual Agents.

At the end of the course, you will:

  • Understand the core components and capabilities of the Microsoft Power Platform.
  • Have gained hands-on experience with Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents
  • Understand where Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Power Fx fit in.
  • Be prepared for the Microsoft Exam PL-900 (MS cert participation is optional and we don’t cover the exam cost with Microsoft).

No previous experience with Microsoft Power Platform is required. The course is aimed at people who would like an overview of the potential, understand some of the terminology, gain insights into practical examples and how to implement them.

£950 pp. 

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Power Bi Pro

The Power BI Pro course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to drive better business decisions by analysing your enterprise data for insights using Microsoft Power BI.

This intensive course will equip you with the theoretical knowledge and skills, as well as allowing for practical training to experience Power BI and explore the capabilities of how you can transform your data to allow for improved data driven decisions. 

The Power BI Pro course will allow you to gain to the skills and knowledge to turn your data into opportunity with Microsoft Power BI data visualisation tools.  

You will be able to use the skills gained to identify business requirements, clean, and transform the data, and then design and build data models by using Power BI.  

The Power BI pro course will provide you with the tools to gain meaningful business value through easy-to-comprehend data visualisations and enable you to become a confident user of Power Query with the ability to write expressions using DAX. 

  • Understand the benefits to using Power BI 
  • Learn how to prepare data in Power BI 
  • Learn how to use data modelling techniques  
  • Understand how to visualise and interpret data in Power BI 

The course is suitable for beginners and intermediate users of Power BI.

The structure will allow you to begin your journey with Power BI and equip you with the tools and information to develop your skills further if you wanted to complete the PL-300 Microsoft Certification. 

£950 pp.

Get started

Benefits Of Our Courses

A common misconception of data is that it is hard to learn about and understand. Our courses are suitable for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge of technology and data. Whether you are in an entry-level or senior role, our programmes are tailored to each learner's needs!
Tailored Training
We offer bespoke training courses to cater to each learner's or company's needs. We aim to prove that data is for everyone! Our tutors want to build learners up and increase their confidence with data.
Expert Advice
Our courses open up opportunities that other programs will not. When you undertake our apprenticeships or short courses, you will interact with industry experts and receive important advice from leaders in the data industry!
Earn Whilst You Learn
Whilst undertaking our training courses, you can earn whilst you learn! You don't have to choose between education and income. Our courses are suitable for every career. From engineering to marketing, data is used by everyone!

Companies we have worked with

  • "Delivering projects without data and
    understanding data, is just winging it"
    Andy Murray, Major Projects Association
  • “To utterly fail to learn from mistakes over decades, to spectacularly repeat the same mistakes at huge cost to the taxpayer – and at huge cost to confidence in our ... capabilities – is completely unacceptable. We see too often these same mistakes repeated. The Department knows it can’t go on like this, it knows it must change and operate differently. The test now is to see how it will do that, and soon”
    Dame Meg Hillier, Public Accounts Committee
  • “You do have to get into the detail. It’s imperative to understand the question you want to ask of the data, what outcome you want for different users,  what processes the data is driving. You also need permission and time to explore, test and iterate. That’s how you get confidence.“
    Daniel Byrne Infrastructure and Projects Authority
  • Start small and iterate – use tactical improvements to create capacity. Build your understanding and that of your team, you’ll steadily see more of what’s possible. Find and grow pioneers
    and other leaders, then work together to develop your ideas to get senior and strategic support.”
    Gareth Parkes, Head of Data & Analytics Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd.

Enquire now

Projecting Success aren’t just working on data driven project delivery, we are taking a pivotal role in shaping and creating this future. If you’d like to speak to one of our experts on the subject then please register below, or drop us an email to