Hackathon Challenge Ideas

Submit your challenge ideas for our next Hackathon!
Submit idea

What is a Hackathon?

  • A Hackathon is a competition where participants tackle challenges over the space of two days.
  • The purpose is to pursue exciting new technology to come up with creative ways to solve real world industry problems.
  • The goal of a Hackathon is to create a functioning solution/prototype by the end of the two days.

Our data analyst hackathons are incredible, driving innovation and collaboration. Participants showcase analytical prowess, solving real-world challenges to optimise decision-making. These events unleash groundbreaking insights, empowering our organisation to excel in the data-driven era.


What is a Hack Challenge?

A Hack Challenge is a problem that people are actually facing and is a real industry problem.  They can be anything from a piece of automation to help with a repetitive task, to an abstract constraint for which we want to explore blue-sky solutions. Participants select a challenge from the list at the hack and try to solve the problem using data in just two days. With no pressures or restrictions from everyday work, their solutions can be incredibly creative and innovative.

What makes a good Hack Challenge?

User Story
Clear Concept
Reliable Data
Good Starting Point

What data do we need?

Not all challenges need data. However, many challenges do need data.
Data provided to teams can be anonymised by Projecting Success and anyone who brings a challenge will have the opportunity to look over their data after it is anonymised to make sure they are happy with it before it is released.

Challenge Areas

At a recent Hack we received challenge areas from various areas within project delivery:

Delivery Support
Behaviours In Projects

1. Work efficiency curve


2. Leaders in Design

3. Developing Sustainable East Midlands Power Unit Using Data


4. Project Performance - Can I believe it?

5. Smart Assist - Clippy 2.0

6. Optimising Delivery through Colloboration Insights


7. Extreme Weather Tracking Tool

8. Climate Resilience and Impact on Fast and Reliable Journey Metrics


9. Carbon Benchmarking

10. Project Chatter Bot

& Procurement

11. Project Bid Cataloguer

Monitoring &

12. Progress Pathway Tool

13. GreenOps Calculator


14. Risk Management Insight

15. Integrated Risk App and Visualisation Solution

16. Estates Risk Profile


17. Automated WBS Planning for Crossrail2

18. Learning from WBS Diversity

Quality/Right First Time

19. UNSPSC - A spoonful of UNSPSC;s makes the medicine go down

Here are some examples of what can be achieved in 2 days:
All content developed at the hackathons are to be open-sourced as this is the essence of the community. We strongly believe in collaboration. They are stored on the Project Data Analytics Community Solutions Portal.
Here are the Visions for 2025, Our co- created series of ‘Visions for 2025’ which reimagine project delivery across different functions and time horizons, for some inspiration.

have a challenge idea?

If you have an idea for a challenge or want to see how you can contribute to forming a challenge, please fill in the form below.

Enquire now

Projecting Success aren’t just working on data driven project delivery, we are taking a pivotal role in shaping and creating this future. If you’d like to speak to one of our experts on the subject then please register below, or drop us an email to enquiries@projectingsuccess.co.uk