Today’s webinar, The Future of Risk Management, delivered valuable insights into the evolving landscape of risk management and project delivery. Led by Martin Paver (CEO, Projecting Success) and David Turnbull (Enterprise Project Controls Manager, EDF) the session focused on how risk professionals can stay ahead of the curve by embracing innovative approaches and leveraging cutting-edge tools and skills.

Embracing the Future: A No-Brainer for Risk Professionals

Martin kicked off the session by emphasizing the critical importance of future-proofing in the risk management profession. "If I was in this profession, and someone offered to future-proof me, I'd bite their hand off," he remarked, underscoring the urgency for risk professionals to boost their CVs and become pioneers in the field. The message was clear: the future is here, and it’s an opportunity for professionals to lead rather than follow.

Reimagining Project Delivery at EDF: Mindset, Skillset, and Toolset

David Turnbull from EDF shared how his organization is reimagining project delivery through a holistic approach focused on mindset, skillset, and toolset. According to Turnbull, 2023 was the "year of the toolset," where EDF concentrated on building the infrastructure necessary to harness data effectively. This included the creation of data lakes, real-time information access, and ensuring the infrastructure was in place to utilize data in innovative ways.

Looking ahead to 2024, Turnbull described it as the "year of the skillset," where EDF is focused on upskilling both seasoned professionals and those already proficient in data analytics. By combining a robust infrastructure with enhanced skills, Turnbull believes the organization can change the mindset of its employees, ultimately transforming how projects are delivered. He highlighted the importance of using data to optimize processes, drawing an analogy to using real-time traffic data to avoid congestion and choose better routes.

The Importance of Changing Mindsets

David also spoke passionately about the need for a mindset shift across the UK’s project delivery landscape. He noted that the country has struggled with delivering major construction projects on time and within scope, with many projects stalling or failing to meet their original objectives. For Turnbull, the answer lies in reimagining how projects are delivered, starting with a more strategic approach to risk management.

Upskilling and Surfing the AI Wave

Martin provided further details on the future of risk management, particularly the role of apprenticeships in building critical skills. He discussed a 15-month apprenticeship program that combines online learning, hackathons, and off-the-job hours to help professionals build a strong portfolio. Martin also emphasised the importance of upskilling to stay relevant in an increasingly AI-driven world, noting that those who embrace these changes are likely to see significant career advancements and increased earning potential.

Paver’s advice to risk professionals was clear: don’t wait. He encouraged participants to actively engage with new technologies, learn continuously, and become pathfinders in their field. "It’s a perfect time to surf the AI wave rather than get crushed by it," Martin stated, encapsulating the essence of the webinar.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

As the session drew to a close, Martin and David reiterated the importance of embracing change and leading the charge in reimagining project delivery. They invited participants to join the conversation, get involved in the coalition, and explore the training opportunities available to become part of the future of risk management.

The webinar concluded with a call to action for risk professionals to take proactive steps towards upskilling, adopting new technologies, and transforming how projects are managed in the UK. The message was clear: the future of risk management is not just about surviving change—it’s about thriving in it.

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